cutting my first ep

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cutting my first ep

Post by dangars »

Hey guys,
just started recording rfirst solo ep its a first for me use to being a axeman for hire when not with my band. so far got an instrumental intro recorded just started the second track which is coming along nicely. well chuffed with how its going!
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Re: cutting my first ep

Post by wadoka »

What's the process like and the time involved. It will help appreciate how hard these things are?

Do you have a home studio or hire one out? ProTools or something else?

Any preview of your work on YouTube? Best of luck anyway.
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Re: cutting my first ep

Post by dangars »

Well set up my home studio last year with the help of my mate Bizzle whom I share guitar duties with in a metal band. The process has been the same as always I get an idea in my head and play around on the guitar until i'm happy with it. I then record any ideas (just the guitar) and listen to it to figure how the drums should sound in my head, currently using Sonys pro studio version 8 it ain't as good as pro tools but once I have the drums figured out and recorded with the guitar(s).The next step is to figure the bass out which is pretty easy so i then half inch the wifes bass and record that. The thing I do is write some lyrics about how I'm feeling or a story of something thats happend to me friends or family, its along process but for me its the easiest way the next thing is to send it bizzle who has pro tools and he polishes it up for me or changes drum patterns to make it sound good.
As soon as I have something and learn to sing I will share!
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Re: cutting my first ep

Post by dangars »

Well an update on how things have been going,
things were going well had about 8 tracks 3/4 done and was getting lyrics wrote and was trying to convince a mate of mine to do vocal duties as I can't sing for toffee! Anyway cut a long story short went to start the laptop up last week and it seems it has gone to silicone heaven (sorry for the red dwarf quote there). Took it to some computer wizz and was basically got told that everything on that laptop was now lost. So now I'm starting again and this time will be saving on an external hardrive on my brand spanking new laptop, I'm hoping to have some music ready by june-july time as I'm due to record with my band in august!
Take care all!
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Re: cutting my first ep

Post by wadoka »

You can never have enough backup! I have externals disks and a NAS just to save my photos, music and videos several times over.
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Re: cutting my first ep

Post by dangars »

To say the air was a bit blue is an understatement when it happened but it's frustrating when you put so much time into something like this and then that happens! I wanted to buy a mac but that's nearly 3/4 of my monthly wages! I've in stalled new better recording software i'm using cakewalk which is a system used by game developers and music producers I've picked up using this software better than sony's!
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