Old Wado E Group / Yahoo Group

General discussions on Wado Ryu karate and associated martial arts.
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Joined: Fri May 12, 2023 3:36 pm

Old Wado E Group / Yahoo Group

Post by Alexander »


i have a almost complete archive of the old Wado e Group (later Yahoo Group).

I downloaded it in November 2019 as html-Pages and now converted it in to a kind of xml-File (and removed the html-Structure and unnecessary html-Content).

Some Discussions were really interessing, special about the history of Wado-Ryu and stuff like Kumite Gata.

Is somebody interessed on it? It is a 60 MB-File.
In it, the Messages are sorted by Topic and separatly from it sorted by Date.

I just wanted to inform you about this.
Maybe i can share it in public. Or maybe better not, but possibly in one of the forums only for members.

Alexander Moshe
Switzerland, Canton of Zurich
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Re: Old Wado E Group / Yahoo Group

Post by wadoka »

Great that you have done that.