BOB NASH Seminar in Madrid (sunny SPAIN) June 2014

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BOB NASH Seminar in Madrid (sunny SPAIN) June 2014

Post by theSEWK »

Spain Wadokai Karate is proud to have the opportunity to organize a Wado Seminar carried out by Bob Nash Sensei. We would like to invite everybody interested in his wonderful courses to attend this seminar to be held in Madrid (Spain) on 7th and 8th of June 2014. Contact to for more information. Find below the poster of the event. Thank you very much to Bob Nash for coming to Spain to spread Wado technique.
CURSO BOB NASH english mini.png
CURSO BOB NASH english mini.png (216.01 KiB) Viewed 19602 times
Javier Esteban Arroyo on behalf of
Spain Wadokai Karate
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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:25 pm
Location: Spain

Re: BOB NASH Seminar in Madrid (sunny SPAIN) June 2014

Post by theSEWK »

España Wadokai Karate se enorgullece de tener la oportunidad de organizar un Seminario Wado realizado por Bob Nash Sensei. Nos gustaría invitar a todos los interesados ​​en sus maravillosos cursos para asistir a este seminario que se celebrará en Madrid (España) los días 7 y 8 de junio de 2014. Contacte a [url] nash.spainseminar @ [/ url] para mayor información . Ponemos a tu disposición el cartel del evento. Muchas gracias a Bob Nash por venir a España para difundir la técnica de Wado.
Javier Esteban Arroyo on behalf of
Spain Wadokai Karate
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