Wado near San Francisco?

General discussions on Wado Ryu karate and associated martial arts.
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Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:31 pm
Location: Washington, DC

Wado near San Francisco?

Post by dcwado »

Hey all,

I have a guy moving in February to the San Francisco area. I was hoping someone around here would have any idea of any good wado schools near that area? I think the closest is a class taught by Mr. Ajari. I saw some videos of the school. I'm not one to judge on youtube videos, so a nice recommendation would be great.

Any help would be appreciated.

Michael David
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Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:43 am

Re: Wado near San Francisco?

Post by Gusei21 »

East Bay Wadokai
Located in Emeryville, CA.
Emeryville is between Berkeley and Oakland on the other side of the Bay from San Francisco.


Run by Des Bell, 6th dan JKF Wadokai and Judy Harte, 5th dan JKF Wadokai.
They are a part of Guseikai. I am the Chief Instructor and Dr Hideho Takagi, 8th dan JKF Wadokai is the Shihan.
Bob Nash
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:31 pm
Location: Washington, DC

Re: Wado near San Francisco?

Post by dcwado »

Thank you. Looks like a great school. I'll make sure to pass along the information.
Michael David