Vietnam - the roads are nuts

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Vietnam - the roads are nuts

Post by wadoka »

In Vietnam the traffic on the roads appears pretty crazy at first, and dangerous, but over time you get more used to it. By rights I probably should have seen more accidents during my 8 night stay there but there was some sort of self-leveling process in play.

There are a huge number of bicycles, mopeds, motorbikes there, plus a small number of cars in comparison and large trucks.

It is a study of maai, nagashi and irimi itself that covers all the interplay of the traffic, and when you cross the road. There is also a case for always keeping moving forward, don't go back. That really messes with the drivers and riders.

Some locals just didn't look, but I would tend to look directly for my own comfort.

Going from Hong Kong to Vietnam is going from one extreme to another. But I totally enjoyed the trip.
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Re: Vietnam - the roads are nuts

Post by WadoAJ »

sounds like a fun journey
AJ van Dijk

President & Chief Instructor Wadokai Holland
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