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Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:29 pm
by wadoka
I have only picked up on this as I did a search on that name. I am 99% sure it is the same person because of where he lived and the fact that it says he was an architect. I did a search as i thought I hadn't heard from him on this forum or others for a while.

I did exchange a few direct e-mails with him and although I didn't know him, nor do I know the majority of you, I found him to be engaging and would always put effort into whatever he did and where ever he went.
Our good friend Honoluludesktop has passed away.

Postby Mike Lucey on Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:00 am
Dear Members,

We have received sad news today about our good friend Honoluludesktop. It is with deep regret that I am informing you that our good friend Honoluludesktop passed away on August 5th in San Francisco. He is survived by his daughter, Elizabeth.

Honoluludesktop's name was Wesley Yoshikawa and he was a Honolulu based architect. He was one of the most friendly and helpful members that ever frequented SketchUcation, always lending a helpful hand in his many open posts. A true gentleman.

He will be missed, may he Rest in Peace.


All too short a contributor to these forums. Rest in peace.

Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:37 pm
by Normanski
That's a great shame if true. I remember him from the karate underground forum and he was always a gentleman. even when I was frequently wrong.

Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:49 pm
by shep
Very sad news. I also remember him from KU.


Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:10 pm
by WadoAJ

Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:25 pm
by Tim49
I conversed with him a few times. Seemed like a nice guy. Sad to hear of his passing.


Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:48 pm
by kyudo
I just checked the other (design) forum briefly, where he seems to have been a prominent member. This post caught my eye, which seems oddly appropriate for a wadoka:
I'm surprised to learn he was 65...I always liked that picture of him that he used, sitting at this desk, sort of gave me the impression he was endlessly chipping away at stuff, always there,.....reminds me of Cellist Pablo Casals on being asked why he still practices 3 hours a day at 93 years old:

"I’m beginning to notice some improvement".
I appreciated his contributions here...

Re: Honoluludesktop has passed away

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:35 am
by mspain
I believe honoluludesktop was one of Kiyohisa Hirano's first karate students in Hawaii. He had posted some video of Hirano and also of Shiomitsu workshops.
