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Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:54 pm
by majin29
Just wondering what a Wado response to this would be. I've seen various techniques employed but some other styles appear to have a whole lot of steps that I'm sure one would forget if ever confronted with this.

Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:54 am
by karateman7
I've been taught that a nice finger to that little hole where the neck and chest meet will get someone off of you quickly.

Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:04 am
by oneya
How soon d'ye need to know...??


Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:24 am
by WadoAJ
oneya wrote:.
How soon d'ye need to know...??


Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:32 am
by WadoAJ
karateman7 wrote:I've been taught that a nice finger to that little hole where the neck and chest meet will get someone off of you quickly.
haha my sensei always showed that one. He would used to pick the biggest guy present (even non karateka) and do the "trick". Although I must say practically I would prefer yonhon nukite.
However, why focus on the grabbing action. There is a process even before that. (video below from 3.40 min) And then (before or if grabbed - I think it is a stupid attack) you have both hands and feet free...
Which reminds me, I am editing a video of old stuff from my sensei which includes this, but some stuff added and a longer version including a lot of goshin jutsu.

Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:42 am
by majin29
Thanks for the vid. The reason I ask is that I saw a technique where you basically drive your fists into both sides of a person's ribs (which are exposed when they go for the choke) but my wife (all 5ft and 100lbs) said that someone little like her wouldn't be able to get a larger attacker off of her using that. I like the step back move shown in the video and I agree that you would rarely find a guy attacking another guy with this. But I do think it's a defense that women should be cognizant of.

The vid shows a plethora of waza that really impresses. Arg, three more weeks before classes begin!!! I'm going this week to see if I can sit in on a class though. The instructors seemed open to that and I've been off training for 2 months and I miss it!

Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:47 am
by WadoAJ
majin29 wrote:Thanks for the vid. The reason I ask is that I saw a technique where you basically drive your fists into both sides of a person's ribs (which are exposed when they go for the choke) but my wife (all 5ft and 100lbs) said that someone little like her wouldn't be able to get a larger attacker off of her using that. I like the step back move shown in the video and I agree that you would rarely find a guy attacking another guy with this. But I do think it's a defense that women should be cognizant of.

The vid shows a plethora of waza that really impresses. Arg, three more weeks before classes begin!!! I'm going this week to see if I can sit in on a class though. The instructors seemed open to that and I've been off training for 2 months and I miss it!
Hi Majin,

Why not spit him in the face and kick him in the groin. I think that will work for any girl. I have many footage btw of my late sensei, which I will try to make some videos of. "goshin jutsu" "kumite" and "tanto dori", well thats my idea for now. I'm not sure what I will post and within what time but.. It might be better for that Dojo for you to start classes..


Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:04 pm
by majin29
WadoAJ wrote:
majin29 wrote:Thanks for the vid. The reason I ask is that I saw a technique where you basically drive your fists into both sides of a person's ribs (which are exposed when they go for the choke) but my wife (all 5ft and 100lbs) said that someone little like her wouldn't be able to get a larger attacker off of her using that. I like the step back move shown in the video and I agree that you would rarely find a guy attacking another guy with this. But I do think it's a defense that women should be cognizant of.

The vid shows a plethora of waza that really impresses. Arg, three more weeks before classes begin!!! I'm going this week to see if I can sit in on a class though. The instructors seemed open to that and I've been off training for 2 months and I miss it!
Hi Majin,

Why not spit him in the face and kick him in the groin. I think that will work for any girl. I have many footage btw of my late sensei, which I will try to make some videos of. "goshin jutsu" "kumite" and "tanto dori", well thats my idea for now. I'm not sure what I will post and within what time but.. It might be better for that Dojo for you to start classes..

Well, the groin kick definitely would work. Again, my wife is a wee little Japanese woman so the spitting thing might not work but the kick would (legs longer than arms, and stronger). And yes, I'm feeling the karate withdrawal quite a bit. Practicing kata and all that on my own is alright but nothing beats interacting with fellow karateka.

AJ, the vids you put up are excellent BTW. As a newbie to Wado, they are very helpful.

Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:20 pm
by oneya
Hi Majin,

Does your wife do martial arts...? If not then shopping for a suitable technique for your wife is hardly the best approach for her concerns. Simply "knowing of"a multitude of techniques will be of little use against a determined attacker. If she is a martial artist who fears an attack of this nature then she should practice relentlessly in techniques that are suitable for her size, weight and her experience. If she is not a martial artist chances are even kingeri will be beyond her capabilities when under the stress of an attack.

On the other hand, my grandmother, who was another 5ft worrier, always carried a sharpened pencil to sign an attacker's eyeball in the event.


Re: Defence against throat choke from front

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:04 pm
by majin29
She did do a self defense class years back but no she doesn't practice martial arts. It was more a conversation based on classes I took that she observed. I think the biggest disservice of any club is to promote themselves as teaching viable self defense in one or two sessions. That's total baloney IMO.