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Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:00 pm
by Wado heretic
That video is, I have no words available to me to describe my reaction to seeing it. Is it a blue or purple belt? My colour blindness prevents me from seeing it clearly. I am not a religious man but I am praying it is not black. Thanks for posting it, I now understand why Shintani is the byword for poor Wado.

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:24 pm
by WadoAJ
wadoka wrote:
oneya wrote:
majin29 wrote: they said they found it boring. ...... this person said, and with some pride, that they had studied under Shintani. .
But how would she know if she had never actually practiced Wado ?? It's the 'appearances and realities' again and how it is easy to confuse the two.

Not trying to put a downer on the guy himself as I can see effort and enthusiasm, just the kata techniques and sequencing. It has Shintani in the tags and from past postings, it has the hallmarks of Shintani Wado until I see Shintani actually doing some kata.

Whether we are "Taught and graded by the Japanese" (I will save comment till later on that particular post on another forum...) or not, that sequence will be far from anybody's own approach from this forum, I hope. This is not Shu Ha Ri in progress.

I wonder what he would reply when you ask him what he is doing.


Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:40 am
by andyb28
I wasn't sure what Shintani was, so I looked it up on youtube.

Is this Shintani?

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:03 am
by Tim49

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:21 pm
by oneya
Tim49 wrote:Andy, try this link:


Now THAT is boring... so perhaps the lady was right..??


Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:34 am
by majin29
I was going to say, that doesn't look like the Wado Ryu I'm learning! If I go to Suzuki sensei's demos on YouYube that's exactly what I'm being taught- though my execution is nowhere near his of course!

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:37 pm
by T. Kimura
How do you do a kata without either heel ever touching the floor? I really like the way he fakes a sudden heart attack at the hiza geri--that would draw the enemy in, thinking you had died on your feet.

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:57 pm
by Kenh
Hi all - I'm new here and found this forum whilst browsing.

Wado boring, hmmm..I'd almost take that as a compliment. What I always liked about it is the lack of "interesting additions". To me it delivers in a very minimalist manner - that's not to say I don't find it a trial nor would i suggest I am very good at it , but dropping the useless in the quest for what some might call boredom has kept me at it for a fair few years now. :). If I can ever get to the point where there's nothing left to take out I reckon I'll be somewhere close to what Wado ought to be. Just need a couple of lifetimes :)......

Re: "Wado is boring"

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:00 pm
by wadoka
Welcome to the forums kenh. I don't think Wado, for many other endeavours, is finite or treated as a set of discrete elements. It was said at the end of winter course today that we should just keep training to progress, always.

If I were to take those comments about the 9th dan Wado another thread here, then reaching a ripe old age training may take on a different meaning but training takes you forward in life, even if that means reducing any possible slide in life.