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Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:36 pm
by Gary
Hi Tim,

What Koryu in particular?


Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:27 pm
by Tim49
Gary wrote:Hi Tim,

What Koryu in particular?

Secret Squirrel.
PM me.

Tim Shaw
Essex UK

Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:44 pm
by majin29
Gary wrote:
majin29 wrote:Hi All. I haven't been by in a while- new job and more training keep me busy these days! I'm just wondering how much of Ohstuka's Shindo Yoshin Ryu has been retained in Wado Ryu. I'm in the middle kyu area and have noticed higher ranks doing more locks and grappling amidst atemi. At the more formative belts, we are concentrating on more atemi and karate basics (which is fine BTW). This is a question for the advanced karateka on here as it looks like the higher up one goes, the more blending of both disciplines Wado becomes (karate and JJ).

Am I incorrect in this assumption?
Hi majin29,

Apologies in advance if you have read this before (or it has been already mentioned in this thread), but often, when “Jujutsu”and Wado are used in the same breath, there are a number of misconceptions that accompany it.

Tim has a good essay on this so I hope he doesn’t mind me splashing it here:

Terrific read, thanks Gary. It really cements things for me.

Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:26 am
by Gary
I only posted the link.

It's Tim's handy work.


Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:25 am
by laurie
oneya wrote:
Damn good idea Laurie..

Do you tour the wado section of the 'All Karate' site too.? There must be a few years of serious information there also.. and the usual dream-time foolishness.

Hi Oneya,
I do indeed tour the wado section of All Karate and will endeavour to include this too. Hopefully I can free up a decent chunk of time sometime soon to determine a format that is both easy to follow when being read but also relatively painless to copy across from the different forums into the document. Regarding the "dream-time foolishness" - thankfully the supposed anonymity of the AK forums will let me compile this section without too much guilt at shining the spotlight on some of the more amusing posts from there :).

Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:52 am
by oneya
Regarding the "dream-time foolishness" - thankfully the supposed anonymity of the AK forums will let me compile this section without too much guilt at shining the spotlight on some of the more amusing posts from there :).

It should make good bedtime reading..


Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:34 am
by laurie
Is anyone able to access the old all-karate forum? I've been unsuccessful for the past week or so.


Re: Japanese JutJitsu in Wado

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:19 am
by oneya
It looks like the owner has conceded defeat and closed the site Down Laurie, shame that.

The same guy (Terry Lion) also can be contacted via email and I will forward this address via your PM..
