Outside of karate training what body work do you do?

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Outside of karate training what body work do you do?

Post by wadoka »

I am lazy. I used to do a bit of jogging on the non karate days, a bit of stretching on the yoga mat but the good intentions usually fall away.

I've just bought a tilted yoga seat that will help doing a half lotus for meditation, for lying across and supposedly to help with my posture. I think I can use it on top of my work chair to change my posture.
Tony West
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Re: Outside of karate training what body work do you do?

Post by Tony West »

In either the internal power or naihanchi thread Gusei21 mentioned a guy in the UK by the name of Chris Davis who looks to know his stuff about internal energy or aiki.

He runs online courses in internal body work consisting of solo exercises and examples of paired testing.
I've been working solidly for 4 months on developing heaviness and a more connected body.
It hasn't been a stark improvement but it's very early days. I have had training partners, who don't know I'm working on any internal stuff, remark that I feel sturdy for my size.
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Re: Outside of karate training what body work do you do?

Post by wadoka »

That's good Tony that you've got that kind of feedback without them knowing about what you've been doing to avoid and bias in their comments.

I'm trying to change my behaviour so any time spent on the sofa is time that I could be stretching and working on my back etc. I can still watch TV, just not slumped on the sofa.
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